Windsor Fair

RSU 3’s five elementary schools won big at the Windsor Fair this year, earning 31

ribbons for outstanding fruits and vegetables grown in their school gardens. Walker School in

Liberty, Morse Memorial School in Brooks, Troy Elementary School in Troy, Monroe Elementary

School in Monroe, and Mt. View Elementary School in Thorndike entered produce into the

Exhibition Hall at the Fair. Elementary students in the district grew the vegetables as part of

their weekly Agriculture Class, and ended up winners! Some of the entries included New Age

Asian Pears, Dark Red Norland Potatoes, Deep Purple Carrots, Waltham Butternut Squash,

Spoon Tomatoes, Aunt Mollie’s Ground Cherries, and many others! Along with the individual

produce entries, the district earned a first place ribbon for a large, district display featuring over

25 products including garden-grown produce, jellies, jam, maple syrup, saved seeds, and

vermicompost (soil made from our “composting” worms).

Congratulations students!