Each school in RSU 3 has at least one representative on the Certification Committee. It is their job to answer your certification questions (or find someone who can).
Mount View High School
Craig Tozier, ctozier@rsu3.org
Kevin (Gus) Petrak, kpetrak@rsu3.org
Mount View Middle School
Eileen Ellis, eellis@rsu3.org
Secondary contact: Angela Fowler, Co-Chair afowler@rsu3.org
Mount View Elementary School
Deborah Woodbury, Co-Chair dwoodbury@rsu3.org
Secondary contact: Angela Fowler, Co-Chair afowler@rsu3.org
Troy Central School
Angela Fowler, Co-Chair afowler@rsu3.org
Morse and Monroe Elementary Schools
Stephanie Greenlaw sgreenlaw@rsu3.org
Walker Elementary School
Sharon Clark sclark@rsu3.org